Life Journey of Edith Hall Friedheim

Edith and older brother. Canada

Age 13, San Francisco, CA. Concert Tour

Toronto, CA - 1952

"Edie" - Sketch by Edith's first husband, Richard Hall.


Manager of Lyra Management, concert booking agency - 1976

Christmas - 1980s

With Piano professor. Master of Music Degree. 1973.

Carnegie Hall flyer - 1980s

Dinner in Vermont

Edith Hall Travel Editor weekly column for Palm Beach Society Magazine

Frommer Travel Book - 1988

Lisa Hall's graduation from University of Pennsylvania - 1982

Argentina for the weekend. Advertise Eric's Travel Agent Magazine for Dept of Tourism.

Press trip to Kenya

Eric Friedheim

UF Spring Awards 2017.

UF - Hal Herman and daughters Cindy Hall (left) and Lisa Hall (right)

Edith received the BK Stevens Volunteer of the Year Award in 2018 bestowed by the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida. Edith is a notable member within the Marquis WHO’s WHO IN AMERICA in 2020.