Dr. Pennington-Gray featured in Newsweek Japan   May 7, 2018

Dr. Pennington-Gray featured in Newsweek Japan

Dr. Pennington-Gray highlighted the work that the Tourism Crisis Management Initiative has been conducting to help the tourist to be responsible and engage in safe tourism practices and to help the industry to be prepared for terrorism attacks.


    Dr. Stepchenkova awarded 2018-2019 Term Professorship   May 7, 2018

Dr. Stepchenkova awarded 2018-2019 Term Professorship

The University of Florida established 750 Term Professorships university-wide to further recognize and reward faculty achievements.


    Drs. Kim and Thapa travel to Maryland for NERR Symposium   April 26, 2018

Drs. Kim and Thapa travel to Maryland for NERR Symposium

Dr. Jin-Won Kim, Dr. Brijesh Thapa, and graduate student Eunjung Yang traveled to Annapolis, Maryland to participate in the 2018 National Environment and Recreation Research Symposium (NERR).


    Drs. Fesenmaier and Schmitt joined by advisory board members to present research at FADMO   April 23, 2018

Drs. Fesenmaier and Schmitt joined by advisory board members to present research at FADMO

Dr. Craig Schmitt and Dr. Dan Fesenmaier traveled to Palm Coast, Florida to present in the Florida Association of Destination Marketing Organizations’ 2018 Marketing Summit.


   Faculty and graduate students travel to AAG Annual Meeting for research presentations  April 20, 2018

Faculty and graduate students travel to AAG Annual Meeting for research presentations

From April 10-14, 2018, six graduate students and three faculty members traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana for the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting.


   Advisory board previews FADMO presentations and interacts with students at Industry Insights  April 16, 2018

Advisory board previews FADMO presentations and interacts with students at Industry Insights

After the morning research presentations and the business meeting in the early afternoon of April 13th, 2018, the advisory board participated in an Industry Insights session where they shared their knowledge and expertise to a group of 40+ students, faculty, staff, and the rest of the advisory board.


   Advisory Board participates in research presentations, GatorEye Demonstration  April 16, 2018

Advisory Board participates in research presentations, GatorEye Demonstration

In addition to the general business meeting joined by the Dean’s Leadership Council, the EFTI Advisory Board participated in research presentations and student interactions on their visit to Gainesville on April 13th.


   Dr. Hernández-Guerra discusses growing network model in EFTI seminar  April 9, 2018

Dr. Hernández-Guerra discusses growing network model in EFTI seminar

On April 6th, 2018, the Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute hosted visiting scholar, Dr. Juan M. Hernández-Guerra, for a seminar on understanding the links between hotels and activities in a tourism destination using a growing network model.


   Dr. Kirilenko travels to Singapore for United Nations GEO-6 Meeting  April 9, 2018

Dr. Kirilenko travels to Singapore for United Nations GEO-6 Meeting

GEO is a regular report focused on the ongoing changes in environment, impacts of these changes on people and economics, and policies, aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


   Drs. Pennington Gray and Schroeder travel to Finland for research presentation on crisis management  March 26th, 2018

Drs. Pennington Gray and Schroeder travel to Finland for research presentation on crisis management

Dr. Pennington-Gray presented information on crisis management planning, while Dr. Schroeder presented information on tourism crisis management’s best practices.


   Dr. Almeyda Zambrano travels to South America and develops new study abroad program  March 26, 2018

Dr. Almeyda Zambrano travels to South America and develops new study abroad program

From March 18th to 24th, Dr. Angélica Almeyda Zambrano traveled to South America and interacted with new colleagues, developed a study abroad program focused on sustainable tourism for UF students in the Galapagos, and started discussions on a potential study abroad program on anthropology and tourism in the Galapagos.


   Dr. Fesenmaier discusses global tourism industry in CGTN America interview  February 21, 2018

Dr. Fesenmaier discusses global tourism industry in CGTN America interview

Interviewed by news anchor Rachel Akuffo, Dr. Dan Fesenmaier spoke about the recent trend in the global travel tourism industry in a brief “Global Business” segment on CGTN America.


   Dr. Gibson and her graduate students present research at TALS Conference in Indianapolis  February 20, 2018

Dr. Gibson and her graduate students present research at TALS Conference in Indianapolis

In Mid-Febraury, Dr. Heather Gibson and her PhD students traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana to present and participate in a workshop at The Academy of Leisure Sciences Conference.


   PhD students present their findings from TripAdvisor reviews to the analytics team at Universal  February 2, 2018

PhD students present their findings from TripAdvisor reviews to the analytics team at Universal

After almost a year of research, graduate students Wenqui Wei and Shaorui Zhou presented their analysis and findings from TripAdvisor reviews to Justin Gressel, Channel Analytics Manager, and his team at Universal Studios.


   EFTI presents collaboration with Madden Media at industry summit  December 15, 2017

EFTI presents collaboration with Madden Media at industry summit

Before the University of Florida winter break commenced, Dr. Craig Schmitt and three graduate students represented the University of Florida and the Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute for a presentation at the 3rd Annual Visit Tampa Bay’s Marketing/Industry Summit.


   TRSM Advisory committee meet to finalize details of the new online Master’s program  December 13, 2017

TRSM Advisory committee meet to finalize details of the new online Master’s program

With the push for online education increasing, HHP’s Department of Tourism, Recreation and Sports Management is taking another step into the virtual world with their proposal of an online Master’s of Science in Hospitality Business Management.


   Canadian university students travel to Florida for valuable Disney experience  December 11, 2017

Canadian university students travel to Florida for valuable Disney experience

Six months ago, 18 Canadian university students left their homes to embark on a journey at the University of Florida and Disney in the Disney Academic Exchange Program. The students spent their initial two weeks living in Weaver Hall and exploring the facets of attending an American university.


   Disney Executive sits in on panel of PhD students, joins sports executives on Industry Insights  November 17, 2017

Disney Executive sits in on panel of PhD students, joins sports executives on Industry Insights

To kick off the Friday before the holiday week, the Department of Tourism, Recreation, and Sports Management hosted Gary Daniels, Vice President of Digital Experience at Disney Parks and Resorts, to speak with two sessions of students in the afternoon.


   Turnkey Intelligence director’s journey from academia to an industry professional  November 6, 2017

Turnkey Intelligence director’s journey from academia to an industry professional

In order to offer students insight into the different career paths available, the Department of Tourism, Recreation & Sport Management is active in bringing in guests from the industry to offer their advice and prospective career paths with young professionals.